Tips to Trim A Tree

Tips to Trim A Tree

Tips to Trim A Tree

If you’re finding your Christmas tree is taking up more space than it needs, don’t worry! Trimming a tree can be a quick and easy project to start in the New Year. We have tips for tree trimming service sugar land tx and tree services st. charles mo here on our blog today- check out what we have written about this fun task below.

Use A Saw To Cut Off The Trunk Of The Tree At Least One Inch Above Ground Level

##Choose a beautiful, natural colored trunk for your tree. This is usually the part of the tree that has no branches and just consists of straight lines.

##Place the shorter part of the trunk in a large bucket or vase filled with water. Make sure it will not be knocked over easily and make sure the container you choose does not leak through any holes throughout its bottom

##Place decorative wood pieces in front of each branch to make them look fuller. You can wrap twine around the branches as well to fill up white space on your tree

Use wire cutters to easily remove excess wires (if you did this an as early step in cutting down your tree, do not dispose of these wires!)

How To Cut Off Vines

If you have a lot of space to trim, try removing some vines. This tip is similar to the above one with how you at cut branches off of your trunk but this is mainly for wood pieces in your tree that haven’t been used as filler yet. Cut these greens and wire(s) off using pruning shears or clippers. Make sure they are clean and free from anything sharp so you do not hurt yourself!

Use The Top Of Your Tree To Fill In Gaps

If there’s a large gap in your tree top, use smaller branches at the top to fill it up by placing them underneath the rest of the trees branches. Clip small loops into each branch so that they can be easily hung onto other branches of the tree.

There are many more tips out there for ways to trim a Christmas tree but these three simple tricks should be enough for you to use this next year when decorating your home or gifting someone with a charmingly decorated Christmas tree!  Make sure you leave us any questions, comments, or concerns in the comment section below and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Remove All Dead Or Diseased Branches

The branch shade should be green, not brown, and the bark should feel moist but with no wetness soaking through to the inside of the branches

Remove any pieces of wood that are loose or broken off from your tree. The wire on each piece of wood should also be tightened by twisting it back into place as well For tree removal hellertown pa click here.

Cut Away Any Broken Limbs With Sharp Shears Or Loppers 


If you have a lot of space to trim, try removing some vines. This tip is similar to the above one with how you at cut branches off of your trunk but this is mainly for wood pieces in your tree that haven’t been used as filler yet. Cut these greens and wire(s) off using pruning shears or clippers. Make sure they are clean and free from anything sharp so you do not hurt yourself!

Using the top of your tree to fill in gaps If there’s a large gap in your tree top, use smaller branches at the top to fill it up by placing them underneath the rest of the trees branches. Clip small loops into each branch so that they can be easily hung onto other branches of the tree.

Remove All Dead Or Diseased Branches From Your Tree

The branch shade should be green, not brown, and the bark should feel moist but with no wetness soaking through to the inside of the branches

Remove any pieces of wood that are loose or broken off from your tree. The wire on each piece of wood should also be tightened by twisting it back into place as well

Cut Away Any Broken Limbs With Sharp Shears Or Loppers 

Use The Top Of Your Tree To Fill In Gaps If there’s a large gap in your tree top, use smaller branches at the top to fill it up by placing them underneath the rest of the trees branches. Clip small loops into each branch so that they can be easily hung onto other branches of the tree.

Use wire cutters to easily remove excess wires (if you did this an as early step in cutting down your tree, do not dispose of these wires!)