septic pumping bridgeton nj is one of the most valuable assets around the household, but to make sure that you allow this asset to live its full life, you have to take some steps in order to properly care for it. Otherwise, it can become a liability, and no matter how much money you waste on its repair and maintenance, its life will ultimately get shorten.
So, you have to avoid the life-shortening ways and follow the life-extending ways if you are planning to be cost-effective with your septic tank. And what exactly are the life-extending ways? You will find out in this article.
This article consists of 5 of the most underestimated and overlooked but absolutely important and essential ways following which can extend the life of your tank.
Let’s begin.
Locate Your Tank
If you have recently moved into a house with a septic tank, you might not know the exact location of the tank. Yes, you will get a permit with a map, but have you actually tried to dig the place and see the condition of your tank by yourself? We are guessing not.
We know it sounds like a tiring job and probably no one would recommend you to do that, but it is still necessary for you to know the location of your tank in the first place so you would know where to look for in the future if a problem or suspicion arises.
If you know the location of your tank, you will also know its condition –which state it is currently in – that would allow you to check it for external repairs and maintenance. More importantly, if you know the location, you will be able to take care of the space under which the tank is buried; not use it as a parking space, not plant over it, or drive over it.
Mark the Space
You know the location of your septic tank, so you will be careful. But others do not know. That includes your neighbors, your guests, and other visitors. A septic tank is usually not more than 20 to 25 feet away from the house, and there is a chance that someone who doesn’t know about it may park on it and drive over it.
Therefore, to make sure that no one, not even you by mistake, does any harm to your septic tank space, it is better to mark the space. You can mark it with some sign or traffic cones. You can also put a fence or a railing, whatever you think will make an impact.
Inspect and Pump as Per Schedule
Inspection is one of the main things that can help in the extension of your septic tank’s life. Inspection is a process that involves an inspector coming to your house to inspect your tank for errors, repairs, performance, and anything which can be corrected or improved. An inspector is a certified septic technician who is permitted from the state to work with septic tanks. He checks your septic system and makes sure that there is no error or performance-hindering factor involved, makes sure that the septic system will continue to work smoothly in the future, and tells you tips to improve the performance of your tank (if needed).
Apart from that, the inspection report – which will be given to you after the inspection – will let you know the estimated time the septic tank pumping woodstock ga and cleaning will be required. Inspection of the average tank should be done at least once a year.
septic tank pumping sarasota fl is also one of the core jobs that extends the life of your septic tank. Although pumping and cleaning are both different procedures, people use them as interchangeable terms. But there is a slight difference; pumping refers to pumping out the liquid from the tank, along with some of the floating solids, while cleaning means cleaning out every inch of the tank, including both liquid and solid. Both procedures require some high-scale equipment, like a vacuum truck and waste tanker, along with years of experience and permit to do the job the right way. A professional septic technician from A Plus Septic Tank Pumping in Jacksonville, FL would let you know what it is that your tank requires the most.
Do Not Delay Problems
It usually happens that people come across a problem and instead of paying immediate attention to its solution, they delay it. That problem later becomes the root cause of all the evil. For instance, if you notice that some of the water is backing out of your drain hole, don’t just try to force it back in the drain, it is obvious that your pipe is clogged internally, so call a septic technician and get it fixed.
Similarly, if you think that you have caused an error, problem, or damage to your septic tank, even if you are just a little bit suspicious, we would advise you to check into it that very second instead of planning to get to it when the bigger problem arises. Moreover, for any problem that is out of your bounds of knowledge and experience, don’t try to fix it yourself, it might make it worse. Instead, call for a Septic Tank Repair in Jacksonville, FL.
Do Not Drain Chemicals
Chemicals, which can either be raw or in a compound as surface cleaners, should not be drained in your septic tank, because they are powerful enough to kill the bacteria in your septic tank. But that bacteria needs to live to break the solids in your tank and form sludge. If you kill the bacteria with chemicals or medicines, the septic tank wouldn’t perform the way it is supposed to. Therefore, do not drain them.
However, if you have already drained any such thing in your tank, the easy way to rectify that problem is to add bacteria additives in your tank, which are additional bacteria to do the job.
These were 5 of the many tips that can extend the life of your tank. Make sure you follow them and save your money.