5 Reasons Why An Extension Is A Great Investment  

5 Reasons Why An Extension Is A Great Investment  

5 Reasons Why An Extension Is A Great Investment   

For those homeowners who have an outdoor space, the possibility of an extension is likely to be discussed. Adding extra space to a home is generally an appealing prospect, one that is only limited by budget and, potentially, time. Those who choose to go through with the process of expanding their home, however, are likely to tell you just how great of an idea it is, often sharing one of the following five reasons.

Property Value

Increasing a home’s living space increases its value on the housing market. It’s a simple formula that remains true and any high-quality extension will be a safe return on investment. While the initial costs can seem to be significant (they often are), it is estimated that extensions can add up to around 20-25% of the value of a property. As such, consider your home’s estimated value and look at the performance of other properties on the market in your local area to give yourself an idea of what financial return may ultimately be possible.

More Living Space

Not every resident has the immediate intention to sell their home but will nonetheless still greatly value an extension. In such scenarios, it is the expansion to living space that is sought after. Extensions can expand a kitchen into a more comfortable cooking space, one that may also accommodate a dining area, alleviating elsewhere in the home of its furniture. Some will choose to utilise their extension as a guest room or an entertainment space, helping a home to feel more spacious and comfortable. Single-storey extensions are also useful for helping to bring light into a home, with many choosing to install larger windows or skylights, helping to brighten a living space.

Personalised Property

Individual needs of a property can be different and some will find themselves feeling as if a home could do more for their interests. In such cases, an extension can allow homeowners to reshape their architecture and better model a home on their interests. Those with more limited options for expansion might choose outbuildings and log cabins instead, enabling them to have a customisable exterior space to benefit their home and pursue personal interests that a property cannot otherwise accommodate.

Increase Storage

Adding extra living space to a home fundamentally adds the potential for more storage space. Homeowners will find themselves not only with the internal capacity to move their living arrangements around, such as with expanded dining areas, but also with more room for storage, which can be especially important over time and for those expecting children.

Extracting Longevity

Some of the most frequently cited reasons for moving home involve a lack of space. This can be because of an increase in family size but also because, over time, residents tend to accrue more assets. Having to sell a home and move is stressful and can necessitate a break from a cherished community, which is something most would like to avoid. In such situations, an extension can offer the essential remedy and prevent the need for residents to find a new home elsewhere.